The authors of this blog, Kathy Farias and Kathryn Morris, are two individuals determined to learn more about the practices in place to prevent abuse and prosecute violence, as well as two students and members of a global community compelled to share this information with their readers.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

A. Interview
Problem: Violence Against Women (specifically within India and the United States)
First name of the person you interviewed and/or their title in the community
Robert; Salem State University graduate
Tell the person about the problem you are studying. Then ask the following questions:
Is this a problem you think is important?  Why/ Why not?
First of all, I can acknowledge that violence against women is definitely a problem, both within our country and worldwide. As far as if it is important? Absolutely. Here we are, in the 21st century, and we’re still dealing with this problem that has been plaguing our society since the beginning of time. In the case of India, recent acts are making people begin to rethink not only who they are as people, as individuals, but it’s also forcing them to reconsider their laws, the morals that their country was founded upon and that have governed them for decades.
Do you think others in our community think it is an important problem? Why/ why not?
I think that others in our community do find this issue and problem important, especially as we have seen with the recent election of Elizabeth Warren as a United States Senator due to the fact that one of her primary platforms regarded equal rights for women.  
What policy, if any, does the government now have to deal with this problem?
In the United States, specifically, within the news currently we are hearing about the Violence Against Women Act. I would assume that, if you look at and consider the current laws in place within the United States, that, in comparison to other countries (say, India), that we have stricter policies against prosecuting those convicted of rape.
If there is a policy around your issue/problem/topic, ask these questions:
What are advantages of this policy?
The advantages of the Violence Against Women Act is that it will seek to protect the victims of rape and to dedicate more resources to punishing rapists.
What are disadvantages of this policy?
A disadvantage that I can see with this policy is that it focuses primarily on punishing those accused of rape yet they do not provide as many solutions or ideas on how to prevent rape from occurring in the first place.
How might the policy be improved?
This act could be improved by having the government dedicate more of their resources to education classes that, in addition to focusing on the protection of oneself, teach the concept that rape is a crime within and of itself and that it should never, under any circumstance, be allowed or considered acceptable.
Does the policy need to be replaced?  Why?
Overall, I do not think that this policy needs to be replaced, yet possible alternations and extensions (as mentioned previously) should be addressed so as to better prevent acts of violence and abuse from occurring.
What disagreements, if any, about the policy exist in this community?
While this topic is not something that actively comes up in conversation, I cannot imagine anyone not supporting this cause and its efforts to protect women.
Where can I get more information about this problem and the different positions people take on this problem?
The internet is a great resource for finding out more information about this and most current event topics. 
B. Interview Reflection
As our interview began, I was a bit surprised to learn that my interviewee had no prior knowledge of the recent events within India as they have, essentially, not only fueled and prompted this blog but our own, national discussion and emphasis on the topic. However, despite his lack of insight in reference to this specific instance of violence and abuse, he was able to assess, based upon what he did know, that this topic and problem is not only relevant and important but one that is worldwide. As well, while this issue may not be one that is discussed on a daily basis or is a somewhat conversational topic, this concept and concern is one that many people already have conceptions and personal opinions about yet, often times, they do not vocalize them to a great extent. Perhaps if we could somehow find a forum or way for all of these individuals to express their concerns and ideas in a constructive, vocal manner than perhaps this problem will become one that more and more people will become aware of and one that can all be dedicated to resolve.

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